16 Questions with October Mom of the Month: Angelina Guido

Where are you Located? Beverly Hills
What is your Favorite Color? Pink
What is your favorite food? Since I’ve been pregnant I can’t get enough of vegetarian burritos and Vietnamese spring rolls.
Do you have any pets? No pets
What is your Favorite TV show? I would say I’m really into documentaries, I like watching shows where I feel I’m learning something from it. Besides documentaries, my favorite TV show would be Big Little Lies on HBO!
Who is your favorite artist/band? Lana del Rey, I’m actually seeing her on October 10th at the Hollywood bowl. Very excited about that!
What is your occupation? Business Owner of Cendrillon Fragrance and part-time commercial actress.
Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now? For Cendrillon Fragrance, it started as a passion project that seamlessly turned into a career. We are making big changes and collaborating with bigger companies over the next few months so very excited about that! In regards to acting, I started taking theatre in college and going to interviews. Following that, I got an agent and started taking it more seriously.
Weirdest pregnancy craving? Cool whip just by itself and cinnamon pop tarts lol
What do you do in your free time? In my free time, I love to be outdoors doing anything active. I picked up fin swimming at the beginning of my pregnancy, now it has become my favorite thing to do when I’m free. I feel weightless & it eliminates pregnancy aches and pains. I like to spend a lot of time with family and friends as well as traveling.
Have any quirks? I bleach literally everything! I use bleach if I want something really clean.
What skill would you love to master? I’d love to get better at the piano. I just started lessons right after I become pregnant
How do you typically start your day? I typically start my day with a bath and some light stretches to feel zen. I drink a ton of lemon water while I’m in the bath. Then I go get iced coffee and take on the rest of my day.
Where’s the farthest you’ve ever traveled from home? Tavaruva Fiji
How different was your life exactly one year ago? Exactly one year ago I was actually in Italy with my mom and one of my sisters traveling for fun. I feel as if I was very much living for just myself and now with being pregnant and my daughter almost here, I can’t wait to take her places to travel and experience all of her 1sts together.
What is your ideal way to spend a weekend? My ideal weekend would be going on a getaway or a staycation. I love getting away but not being too far from home if I have work or responsibilities coming up the following week.
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XOXO - Angelina